This recipe is a good one for transforming the humble broccoli into something a bit extra. Yes, I’ve used broccoli’s middle class cousin romanesco here, but this is only because I think they are one of the fittest looking vegetables out there. Broccoli works just as well. As for the miso, it sounds hard to get hold of and you may have to look a little harder, but many big supermarkets, health stores, and of course Asian supermarkets sell miso. Plus, it comes in a jar that lasts forever.
What's the A to V?
Broccoli is a great source of folate (vitamin B9) and the almost man choline, while aubergine contains vitamin B6 and the sesame seeds used as a garnish here are an excellent non-dairy source of calcium.
Ingredients (Serves 4-6):
2 aubergines, chopped into 1 cm cubes
1 large broccoli head, chopped into segments (use the stem too!)
2 tbsps sesame seed oil
1 dried chilli
2 tbsps of miso
1/2 the juice of a lime
1 tbsp of rice vinegar
1 tsp of honey
A 2cm chunk of peeled ginger, grated (optional)
A handful of coriander, chopped (optional)
A sprinkling of sesame seeds, to finish.