The A to V

The A to V of micronutrients

The A to V. Your nutrition resource.

The A to V is all about making the official guidance around getting your daily intake of micronutrients (that’s vitamins and minerals to most of us)  easy to understand, and easy to achieve.  I believe evidence-based nutrition is the way forward, and that it’s time to fight the fads and ditch the trends. Nutrition shouldn’t be about what’s hot or what’s not – but about helping everybody to get a balanced diet.

Diet vs. supplements

For most people, eating a varied and balanced diet is all you need to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals. Supplements should be just that – supplemental to the food you eat every day. Nothing compares to the vast array of vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and naturally-occurring phyto (plant) chemicals we can find in food. Health and nutrition authorities globally are agreed that food is the best way to get the essential nutrients.

A guide to the micronutrients

So the A to V will help you to demystify RNIs and RDAs, give you the low-down on eating your vitamins & minerals rather than feeling like you have to get them from a bottle, and give you some ideas for what to cook to get your daily doses.

Welcome to The A to V.