For a micronutrient rich diet

Cannellini bean, aubergine and sundried tomato

The A to V. Food rich in sulphur.

Tinned beans and pulses are really the ultimate nutrient-dense fast food. Yes, many swear beans taste nicer once soaked etc, but personally I can't taste too much of a difference and really there's nothing handier than having a few tins of beans hanging about. A store cupboard essential.

What's the A to V?

Beans are a great source of minerals, including magnesium and chromium, with cannellini beans a particularly good source of sulphur. The sundried tomatoes and tomato meanwhile, are a rich source of vitamin C and potassium.

Ingredients (Serves 4):

400g tin of cannellini beans

400g tinned tomato

1 tbsp of tomato puree

1 aubergine, diced into small cubes

8 sundried tomatoes, halved

1.5 tbsp's of oil

1 onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic, sliced into rounds

1 dried chilli, crumbled, or 1 tsp of harissa

Couple of generous handfuls of spinach



Heat your oil in a pan, and add your garlic, onion and (if using) dried chilli. Once the onion has softened, add your aubergine to the pan and season generously.

After 5 minutes, cover your pan with foil, and cook for a further 5 minutes. Once the aubergine has softened and browned, add your drained beans and sundried tomato and stir well.

Follow with your tinned and pureed tomato before turning the heat down and simmering for a further 15-20 minutes. Stir in your spinach about 5 minutes before the dish is done, and sprinkle over some herbs before tucking in.